It’s Sunday…

L O! I hope you all had an amazing week last week and are gearing up in your way for next. Today is easy Sunday and we’ve spent it playing outside in the warm sunshine..although we choose the shade. The hubs is smoking delectable looking ribs on the barbecue  and our precious off spring has decided to forgo his nap. So far, no eruptions, however I know that volcano will erupt at around seven or so tonight. It will be zero to six hundred in three seconds flat. It will be Vesuvius x St. Helens. It will be “go big or go home.”  Here’s hoping a warm, lavender bath at around six will quell the explosion and ease him into gentle, soothing sleep.  Yes. Here’s to hope, a nice cup of chamomile tea for me and being cautiously optimistic.

This past week Cam and I visited one of our favorite local parks. I was set on taking him to see the bald eagle observatory but I did not properly do my homework so to speak. I did not realize just how far of a hike it was from the parking area. Now, this wouldn’t be so terrible but Cam isn’t one for the stroller. In retrospect,  I should have taken one. It was about a two- mile walk and about half way he decided he was tired which meant I had to carry him. I was determined to see those eagles but thirty- four pounds of toddler and a small, fully loaded, day pack got the better of me and I threw in the towel. Did I mention that I also had stepped in a great dane sized pile of dog excrement while getting Cam out of the car? We had just arrived! I didn’t even realize it had happened until I bent down to get our water out of our pack. I spent the entire two- mile walk dragging my foot. It was my futile attempt to get whatever I could off of my shoe. Cam learned some new words as well. “Mommy..poop on shoe”… And shared them with the masses of trail walkers that passed. Those trail walkers were what I like to call the ” tidy” moms. They are the ones that wear LuLu Lemon work out attire or something similar, all day every day and are either on their way to the gym, have just been to the gym or are married to Jim and the only stroller for them is the BOB stroller. Nothing wrong with any of those things, they are lovely, but I was carrying an exhausted toddler and I had poop on my shoe that wafted up into my nostrils with every strong breeze. Now to someone who doesn’t know me, it may seem have something against the “tidy moms” but I don’t. I love them. I would be them, but I am I’m not tidy, but I was, at that moment, envious of those tidy moms who seemed to look at me with knowing pity. Part of me admittedly wanted to knock them over and make off with their stroller and whatever snacks they had. (knowing they would likely be all organic this or that and so good for us…insert cheeky grin and eye roll and remember… i was carrying my toddler with poop on my shoe!) Most of the strollers were, much to my surprise and bewilderment, unoccupied. I later realized that the “tidy moms” bring the strollers..  just in case… and to burn a few extra calories, I’m sure. Good on ya tidy moms! You’ve bested me again!

Anywho, long story..well, long, we made it out of the park and home where we both took baths and very long naps. Aside from the ruckus, I chalk that day up to a great one. We were out in nature ( I was also wearing a bit of “nature”) and I got to enjoy my toddler discover a small bit of the world around him. As a mom, that is something we live for.

The rest of the week was quite boring in comparison, but that’s ok. I like a bit of bore every now and then. I hope you all have a wonderful week and thanks for reading!


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